Product listing not showing up when searching keyword/name in Amazon?

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We can help improve traffic to your Amazon Product Pages

Why aren’t my products showing up in Amazon search?

If you have created Amazon products and cannot figure out why those products will no appear in Amazon product search, then we may have some solutions for you.

The Amazon Marketplace works a lot like most other websites, in the sense that they all need further marketing efforts to create and boost traffic.  Nearly all websites need additional Search Engine Optimization and marketing strategies to make them known to the world.  You could launch the most awesome website ever, but no one will ever know about it if you just let is sit there and do nothing more.  Amazon needs the same nurturing to grow traffic and brand awareness.

Market and advertise your Amazon product pages!

How do I increase my Amazon product sales?

First thing, you must make sure that you set up your Amazon brand page.  Fill as much information in as possible.  Go through all of the tools and features to make sure you are not overlooking anything.

Then, make sure that you have done the same thing with your Amazon product listings.  Make sure you have entered the appropriate related keywords, create your target audience and ensure you have not missed any options that could be useful.  Make sure your product is also listed as Active (on).

It is important to understand that Amazon chooses to display products at the top of searches that are the most popular, getting the most traffic, have a lot of activity such as purchase and reviews and also match keyword and category searches.

To make those things start happening for you, you need to market and advertise your Amazon brand page and your individual Amazon products.  Here are some ways to do that…

Hire Bluetera!

SEO services from Bluetera can include all of the tips we mentioned above and more. We have proven methods to help you sell your Amazon products!

Let us help you!

Contact Bluetera
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Picture of Jessica Hood - Bluetera

Jessica Hood - Bluetera

CEO and founder of Bluetera. Business owner and entrepreneur since the year 2000. Excelling in business management and marketing, website design, content management/production, and more.

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